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Anonymous Sources: The Final Review

Anonymous Sources: The Final Review


Now I just have to write my book report. I feel like I am in high school again, lol.

I wanted to write a review because I know I am always on the lookout for a good easy read and this is definitely that.

I made sure to put spoilers on sections that I feel you shouldn’t read if you plan on reading the book.

For background, Mary Louise Kelly, the author of Anonymous Sources, is a previous broadcast correspondent and producer for CNN. I think this is what made me enjoy the book so much. When she wrote through the voice of the main character, Alexandra James, if felt very real. The things she said are things my professors drill in me every semester.

Onward to the book,

The first half of the book was corny in my standards. Of course, a lot of murder-mystery novels are. In the beginning, I did think this was going to be a murder-mystery book. It had all the familiar faces. The film noir motiff. The changing perspectives. The murder. The Mystery. The hot, intriguing, intelligent dynamite character avoiding her past that is obviously going to be relevant at some point. 

I still found it easy to read and overall nice. I was raised in a family of women that read raunchy romance novels, so this part really reminded me of home. (V.C Andrews forever)

SPOILERS: At the first part, our first chapter begins with Thomas Carlyle, a harvard man who just got off the plane from his year away at Cambridge University. He returns home, where no one is there, and decides to go to his secret spot at the Harvard campus. There he is thrown out the window and meets his untimely demise.

Next, our main character, ginger Alexandra James, comes into the picture. She is told to go to Harvard and get the story. Police initially believe he committed suicide, but James is convinced there is more to the story and persuades her editor to send her to the U.K. 


Part 2 is where she goes to Cambridge, and the mood shifts from film noir to James Bond meets Nancy Drew, but Nancy Drew is a journalist. You add a little but more plot and a little romance, and the novel final gets to that point where you look up and you are 256 pages in, and it has only been thirty minutes. She returns to the U.S, and the plot starts to go everywhere. This is no longer quite a murder mystery novel. It becomes something all on it’s own.


I am not saying this is the next “Of Mice of Men” or “Harry Potter”, but this book is perfect for reading on the porch or while you are at the beach this summer. It is really easy to read, and it sums itself up quite nicely. 

I have been reading Wicked, which I love, but it is so dense. I read the first three books in the series when I was in high school, but I never got to finish the fourth, so I am doing a reread. They are so great and political and mesmerizing, but they make your brain hurt. It was really nice to get a clean break with this easy read.

If you have any other books you would like to suggest, comment below!



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