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5 Ways to Re-Energize When You Feel Burned Out

5 Ways to Re-Energize When You Feel Burned Out

5 Ways to Re Energize When You Feel Burned Out

It happens to the best of us, we have an amazing, beautiful creative streak – and then we couldn’t come up with an idea if our lives depended on it. You feel burned out and useless.

I have two extremely creative jobs – digital content and blogging. Therefore, I am constantly coming up with new ideas to move forward – and sometimes, my brain just says no.

There are days where I just can’t do it, so I have come up with a few ways to light some creative flames.


When I am really feeling burned out, it is probably because I haven’t slept the required amount for an extended amount of time. Not only do I lack sleep during these times, but I just can’t relax.

So when I hit this point, I turn on my salt lamp, add some lavender essential oil to my diffuser, do some yoga stretches in bed and throw back a melatonin to silence my constant wheel of thoughts. When I get a good long sleep, I come back ready to take on the world.


If I ever stray away from the workout train for too long, I start to feel the physical and mental repercussions. I am groggy, and I am irritable.

Throughout my highs and lows, I have learned that if I do a really hard workout where I sweat out buckets, I feel so much better. There is something about throwing your emotions into an exercise that is so releasing!


If you are just feeling uninspired, go somewhere beautiful! Whether that is your favorite mural, park or restaurant, surrounding yourself with something breathtaking gives you perception.

I love heading to Cameron Park in Waco and walking along the river. I always leave with tons of ideas and a breath of fresh air.


Recently, I have been cranking out blog content that I am so proud of! The only problem is that every month, my standard for my work gets higher and higher.

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So this means that coming up with blog post ideas can be a difficult task. When I browse my favorite stores, I get ideas for crafts, fashion and other lifestyle posts. It is amazing how a short shopping trip leads to three or four posts!


This sounds random, but within the past months, I have been cooking a lot. I have been practicing new methods and learning how to cook with new ingredients.

Ever since I have opened this new creative outlet, I am constantly thinking up of new ideas for my blog! Whether I am creating a pasta sauce or salsa, there is something about creating something for the first time that is so freshening for my creative juices!

How do you get out of a creative slump?

repressing the crazy

5 Ways to Re Energize When You Feel Burned Out

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