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What’s In My Purse in the Summer

What’s In My Purse in the Summer

Whats In My Purse in the Summer

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Tampax Radiant at Walmart. The opinions and text are all mine.

I never have too many things in my purse, but the things in there are necessities. In the winter, I have hand lotion and gloves – but the summer looks a little bit different.

In the summer, I am usually sweating like a pig, and I am constantly exposed to the sun. There are 5 things you will always be able to find in my purse.

What's In My Purse in the Summer

Bag full of hair ties and bobby pins

During the summer, I try to stay spontaneous. I am always going on surprise walks and adventures, so I always keep bobby pins and hair ties in my bag in this super cute little pouch.

Tampax Perfect Radiant

Is it just me, or are periods 10x worse in the summer? It is so much more uncomfortable to deal with “Aunt Flow” when it 100 degrees outside.

That is why I was so excited to try Tampax Pocket Radiant! It is so small – so you can fit a ton in your purse!

Pocket Radiant Tampax’s superior width-wise expansion and LeakGuard Braidä protection system and a unique re-sealable wrapper makes it super convenient. It’s a perfect fit for your purse – no matter what else you’re carrying around! Plus, you can find it at Walmart!

What's In My Purse in the Summer

Lip balm

I have chapped lips all year long, so I always have lip balm on me! I keep it in my purse, nightstand, car (not the best idea because it melts), desk at work and everywhere else.


I always bring my current read with me in case I have a dull moment (like waiting in the doctor’s office). Right now, I am reading “How to Set a Fire”.


You cannot go anywhere in Texas without sunnies – regardless of the time of the year.

See Also

Neutral lip color

Whenever I wear lipstick, I always forget to throw it in my bag for touchups. This is why I always have a neutral shade in my bag for when I am in desperate need of some lip repair – a.k.a after eating a ton of queso.


I always protect my skin in the summer, so I keep a gentle moisturizer with SPF in my purse at all times. I am not about getting my nose sunburned and flaky!

What do you keep in your purse during the summer?


repressing the crazy

What's In My Purse in the Summer

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