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How to throw a cookout without the stress

How to throw a cookout without the stress

How to throw a cookout without the stress

I love hosting people at my house, but I get overwhelmed very easily. I always want to throw an amazing time, but the effort that goes into it is exhausting.

So, I will admit – I cut a few corners!

If you are looking to host a cookout or bbq without all the hassle, follow these three tips!


When you prepare your cookout menu, make sure you aren’t overexerting yourself. Pick easy recipes or things you can buy store bought (that are still very good). Just because you are buying premade items doesn’t mean you pick the cheapest kind – indulge a little at your high-end grocery store. This way, you had no work, and the cookout is still delicious.

How to throw a cookout without the stress

HEB is a godsend for this – their premade items are to die for.

However, you need to make sure you have one signature dish. For example, I bought macaroni and potato salad, but I made homemade salsa. Salsa is so easy to make, but it is really impressive.

How to throw a cookout without the stress


It is easy to get ahead of yourself and want to make a million cocktails. If you are throwing a summer cookout, you should have one frozen drink, and then you should have beer and wine.

I recommend margaritas, mojitos or sangria – classics that everyone enjoys! We made frozen peach bellinis, and they were an easy hit!

How to throw a cookout without the stress


The thing you should focus on is cleaning and refreshing your space! I love to show off all my hard work on home decor, so I want everything to feel clean and fresh.

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Make sure your outdoor space is clean, and your indoor space looks gorgeous. I recommend cleaning your cabinets with a strong lemon scented cleaner right before guests arrive and to light a fresh candle.

If you have plants, be sure to showcase them as well.

What’s your favorite thing to serve at a cookout?

repressing the crazy

How to throw a cookout without the stress

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