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Patatas Bravas – the easiest way to bring a Spain favorite home

Patatas Bravas – the easiest way to bring a Spain favorite home

Living in Spain was the highlight of my life. I don’t know if I should be ashamed of that fact, but living abroad was an adventure i’ll never forget.

One of my favorite things about Spain was the food! I loved the late night meals and small bites. I loved giant pans of Paella. But more importantly, I love sharing tapas with friends.

Recently, HEB has had a Spanish food special, and I felt the need to make something that reminded me of my trip at home. I took the easy route and made homemade patatas bravas.

Patatas Bravas are basically roasted potato with homemade sauce – but it is delicious.



Olive Oil


2 tbsp of Mayo

Hot sauce

1 tsp of Paprika

1/4 tsp of Garlic Powder

2 tbsp of Water


Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.

Patatas Bravas the easiest way to bring a Spain favorite home

Chop potatoes into chunks and place them in a bowl. Sprinkle olive oil and salt on them. Make sure each piece of potato is coated evenly.

Put waxed paper on pan and place potatoes on top. Roast in the oven for 30 minutes.

See Also

Patatas Bravas the easiest way to bring a Spain favorite home

In a separate bowl, create the sauce. Mix together mayo, paprika, garlic powder and 3-4 dashes of hot sauce. After that is well mixed, add in the water.

Patatas Bravas the easiest way to bring a Spain favorite home

Once the potatoes are roasted, place them in a bowl and cover them in sauce. Serve and enjoy!

Patatas Bravas the easiest way to bring a Spain favorite home

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Patatas Bravas the easiest way to bring a Spain favorite home

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