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Chorizo sweet potato hash recipe

Chorizo sweet potato hash recipe

Chorizo sweet potato hash recipe

My sister and I are trying to start a tradition of cooking a big breakfast every Sunday. We love breakfast burritos, but we have been trying to venture out of our comfort zone.

We have made pumpkin pancakes, avocado toast, and we are planning on making pumpkin spice french toast. However, my favorite creation so far for Sunday breakfast is chorizo sweet potato hash.

The first time I had ever eaten chorizo was in a soup when I was living in Spain. My house mother created a soup and sprinkled chorizo on top. I instantly fell in love! I always add it to my paella, and I love chorizo in breakfast tacos.

So when I decided to make sweet potato hash when it got cooler out, I knew I wanted to add chorizo. This dish is best served with avocado and hot sauce, so be sure to show off some Tex-Mex pride.

You will also need a cast iron skillet for this recipe.

Chorizo sweet potato hash recipe


2 chopped sweet potatoes

4 eggs

1/2 cup of chopped onions

Chopped chorizo


Mexican shredded cheese

Olive oil





Preheat the oven to 425 degrees.

In a cast iron skillet, brown the chorizo. Once the chorizo is cooked, place it on a plate.

Add a few drops of olive oil to the skillet. Cook until the onion is translucent. Place on the plate with the chorizo.

In the skillet, add some olive oil and the chopped sweet potato. Cover the skillet and cook the sweet potato until tender.

When the sweet potato is tender, add the spices. Mix in the onions and chorizo.

Crack for eggs on top of the mixture. Add slices of brie.

Put it in the oven for 15 minutes. Sprinkle shredded cheese on top.

Optional: serve with hot sauce and guacamole

Chorizo sweet potato hash recipe

Chorizo sweet potato hash recipe

Chorizo sweet potato hash recipe

Chorizo sweet potato hash recipe

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Chorizo sweet potato hash recipe

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