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Homemade Bacon and Pickle Pizza

Homemade Bacon and Pickle Pizza

Okay, if you clicked on this link about pickle pizza, you either love pickles or you are wondering what in the world is this girl thinking…

I’m thinking pickles are amazing, and they make everything better.

I am on a lifestyle overall for my quarantine glow-up, and I get one cheat day a week currently. At this time at home, we get to make some homemade comfort food, and before this all started, we had bought pizza stones.

We decided to make some pizza, and after looking at what was left in our fridge… we thought, what about pickles?

And that is how this pickle pizza recipe came to be.

You might think I am crazy, but this might be the best pizza I have ever had. Almost everything was homemade – the crust, the pickles and the alfredo sauce.

We used my pickle recipe if you want homemade pickles for your recipe as well. I really think this is key. They were the perfect thickness and taste.

Since this is a pizza recipe, I am not going to give amounts for ingredients. Put as much as your heart desires, and I will give tips in the instructions.

Homemade Bacon and Pickle Pizza


Crust mix (we used Jiffy)

Alfredo Sauce

Mozzerella Cheese

Parmesan Cheese





Red Pepper Flakes


Prepare crust according to mix.

For the sauce, spread alfredo sauce and some garlic on the crust. If you were like us with limited ingredients, we made our own version.

We started with melting butter in a saucepan with some garlic. Then, we added some milk and parsley. To thicken, we added parmesan cheese and some flour.

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To thicken, gradually add flour to the sauce to keep the flour from being overwhelming.

After spreading the sauce, top with your cheeses. We used primarily mozzarella cheese with some parmesan.

Grab your homemade pickles (or regular pickles) and apply to the pizza like pepperoni.

Then, cut your bacon into tiny squares and sprinkle it on the pizza. Add some red pepper flakes and diced onion, and then you are ready for the oven!

Throw that bad boy on a pizza stone, and bake according to instructions.


Homemade Bacon and Pickle Pizza
Homemade Bacon and Pickle Pizza
Homemade Bacon and Pickle Pizza
Homemade Bacon and Pickle Pizza
Homemade Bacon and Pickle Pizza
Homemade Bacon and Pickle Pizza
Homemade Bacon and Pickle Pizza

if you don’t love pickles, keep on scrolling ##picklesquad ##foodfam ##gotthisforyou ##gonnabefriends ##MakeMomSmile

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