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10 Fall Hygge Activities to Start Planning

10 Fall Hygge Activities to Start Planning

Chances are – you have seen the word “hygge” floating around. If you haven’t, cool – I will educate ya real quick.

Hygge is Danish word, and no – it’s not pronounced “hig”. It is pronounced “hoo-ga”, and it means “a quality of cosiness (feeling warm, comfortable, and safe) that comes from doing simple things such as lighting candles, baking, or spending time at home with your family.”

So basically, it’s all about being cozy and peaceful. What’s not to love, right?

Now that fall has crept into hearts, (but not yet our temperatures – looking at you Texas), I figured I would help you have a hygge fall by recommending some fall activities that encourage your inner hygge.

Some of these are as simple as getting coffee at a new place while some are more advanced, like going camping. Always choose your thing – don’t step into a situation that will stress you out.

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Everyone’s hygge is different. My hygge is a chilly, clean home with a pumpkin apple candle from Bath and Body Works burning and a cold book. It’s all about what brings you peace and grounds you.

Here is the list to get you started:

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