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New Things!

New Things!

I got a new curling iron! I am mighty excited. I ordered it from amazon, and I for one, love getting things in the mail. 

I even ordered Schmidt the Barkbox and plan on ordering Ipsy and Birchbox soon. 


I bought this particular curling iron because it is 3/4 of an inch. I have always wanted to have naturally curly hair. When I was little, I did, but I definitely grew out of it, probably from the crazy amount of dying and so on. 

I found a tutorial on achieving a more natural looking curl, so I am going to test it out, and I will let you know how it goes. 

Last night, I could not sleep at all. I laid in bed, watched Youtube videos, sat in the dark- nothing worked. Probably because I slept all day due to my tummy sickness. So now I am going to rest up.

P.S: A preview into the weekend

Fridays are dog park days, so there will probably be a little video about how we do that.

Also, I have to read “Anonymous Sources” by Mary Louise Kelly, so I will give a little bit of a reaction post about that throughout the weekend.

PLUS, I am going to start publishing my actual news articles on here. They may technically just be for class, but I really do go and interview people and such.

Thank god it’s Thursday!


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