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How I match my makeup with my Firmoo glasses (plus how to get a free pair!)

How I match my makeup with my Firmoo glasses (plus how to get a free pair!)

firmoo glasses

I got a new pair of glasses courtesy of Firmoo, and I love them so much! I went a little more adventurous than normal with a purple tortoiseshell color! I was worried about how they would clash with my makeup, but I came up with a perfect look to pair with them!

I can’t tell you how many times people have thought these are designer glasses!

The great news is these are all less than $50 (some even under $20), so you can afford to experiment with different styles! I am already looking at other pairs, and they have the coolest sunglasses too!

AND you can try them absolutely for free, just pay shipping and use the code REPRESSINGTHECRAZY

firmoo glasses


When I style my eye makeup with these colorful glasses, I keep the shadow simple, but the eye very defined.

I added a brightening concealer to help my eyes pop, as well as hide all of the veins on my eyelids. I set it with the same powder as my face.

I only used one color on my eyelid, and it wasn’t even a shadow! I used a bronzer to add depth to the crease, and I made sure it was well blended with a fluffy brush.

After that, I got the blackest eye shadow I own and lined the bottom lash line.

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blonde girl taking a photo at golden hour with glass skin

I added a dramatic wing and multiple coats of two different mascaras: a lengthening one and a curling one! The lengthening one adds a new layer of drama, but the curling specific mascara makes sure your eyelashes don’t hit your glasses!

And then add my new glasses, and I’m an instant diva!

firmoo glasses

What tips do you have for girls who wear glasses?


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