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Jalepeno Cheddar Salmon Burgers

Jalepeno Cheddar Salmon Burgers

I have always been one of those people that prepare for doctor’s visits by dieting. I am always so nervous to step on the scale. I really wish I was more confident where this didn’t bother me as much, but unfortunately I am not there in my life yet.

At my last appointment, I was given a number that I had not seen since my last dramatic weight loss in 2013. As someone who has struggled with weight and body image my whole life, this was a low blow.

I immediately went to change my habits. For instance, I quit drinking alcohol until I have this situation under control.

Another change was to go back to being a pescatarian. I hate fried fish, and I love grilled, so the pescatarian lifestyle always encouraged me to eat a little bit better than normal – that’s where the salmon burgers came in.

Also, since fish can easily get boring, I have been doing a little experimenting.

I thought today I would share my newest recipe, jalepeno cheddar salmon burgers!

Because I am dieting, I am avoiding the bun for now, but these would be great with some guacamole!

salmon burgers


1 lb Salmon Filet

1/4 cup of Panko Breadcrumbs

1 Egg

1/4 cup of Pico de Gallo

1/4 cup of Diced Jalepeno

1/4 cup of Small Cubes of Cheddar Cheese

See Also

Salt and Pepper


  1. Remove skin from salmon filet and mince
  2. Add minced salmon and other ingredients into a bowl
  3. Form 3-4 patties
  4. Drizzle oil onto heated skillet
  5. Add patties and cook on each side from 4-5 minutes
  6. Serve

Optional: Place on wheat bun with guacamole and lettuce.

salmon burgers

What is your favorite pescatarian recipe?



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