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7 things in your home that you probably aren’t washing enough…

7 things in your home that you probably aren’t washing enough…

7 things in your home that you probably arent washing enough

As I am preparing my home for Christmas, I am facing a very dirty truth. I neglect a lot of things in my house, and I need to get in the habit of washing those odd items more.

One thing you must know about me is that I cannot relax on a couch without be bundled up in a throw blanket. It doesn’t matter if it 100 degrees outside, I need to be in a blanket.

So, when I moved my giant basket of blankets, I realized they smelled a little like… dog. We have had a lot of rain in Texas, and my muddy pups have also been snuggling in the blankets. I would pick up my living room and just throw my blankets in the basket. Mistake.

That got me to thinking, how many other things have I been neglecting?

Here are 7 things that you need to wash in your home QUARTERLY or more:


When is the last time you have messed with your curtains after putting them up? If you are like me, the answer is never. But, if you think about it, curtains are made for picking up dander and dust. They are actual dust magnets.

7 things in your home that you probably aren't washing enough...

Every three months, you will need to get a step stool (which if you don’t own one, invest) and take down your curtains. It’s a good idea to give them a shake before putting them in your washer.

You will want to run it on a delicate cycle. If you are washing them for the first time and they are very dirty, you might want to run it twice. Let the curtains air dry, and then tumble dry them to get rid of wrinkles.

I like to spray a lavender linen spray before putting them back in on the curtain rod. They add a nice smell to the room that way!


Back to the throw blankets – every two weeks you should wash your frequently used throw blankets, and every quarter you should wash your entire collection.

Why? Even if you are not using your throw blankets, they are collecting dust or pet dander. Sometimes, they are getting use from your pet without you knowing it.

7 things in your home that you probably aren't washing enough...

As for the throw blankets you use everyday, they are there when you drool during your nap; or eat your after work snack; or drink your morning coffee. They need to be washed because they are arguable used more than your pants in one week.


Comforters should be washed every month. They pick up skin cells, and if you sleep with pets, pet hair and pet dander.

Be sure to wash your comfortable according to instructions. You can really damage a comforter if you do not do it correctly!


I am someone who uses robes right after I get out of the shower. So the idea could be that you always get in your robe clean, so it doesn’t need to be washed frequently.


You should wash your robe every time you wash a load of towels. This will help you remember to wash it, and it will always smell fresh when you put it on.


The throw pillows on your favorite couch should also be washed every three months. If you are able to take the cover off, do so and throw it in the washer. This will keep you couch looking vibrant and clean with you favorite pillows!

See Also

7 things in your home that you probably aren't washing enough...


The pillows that get the grossest quickest is the ones you sleep on at night. A good rule of thumb is to always wash these when you wash your comforter.

I like to put two pillows in the washer and add detergent and softener. In the dryer, I dry them with softballs to keep them fluffy.

Tumble dry them as needed until they are back to their normal shape!


After washing all of this gross stuff, your washer will need some love to. Once a month, run your washer through its hottest cycle and add a entire bottle of vinegar and lavender essential oil.

This will keep it clean, and it will last a long time!

7 things in your home that you probably aren't washing enough...

What have you been neglecting to wash?

repressing the crazy

7 things in your home that you probably aren't washing enough...

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