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My house is tidier because I stopped doing these 5 things

My house is tidier because I stopped doing these 5 things

Hello, my name is Taylor, and I have a messy house.

Just kidding, I don’t anymore. I did, though, for a very long time. For those who don’t know, I am an on the go boss bitch. I have been running the digital operations of a top 100 television station for the last 4 years, and I don’t have time for much.

So, I thought I didn’t have time to put up my shoes between obligations – or unpack my bags until it’s too late and I’m on to my next business trip. I was drowning in a mess that was caused by my mindset of, “I don’t have time.”

Well, I stopped all that nonsense. And no, I didn’t find any more time in a day. I just became determined to keep a tidier home.

I have created small changes in my everyday life that has just kept my home tidier. It is amazing how little things can make such a big difference.

Having junk drawers

This was the hardest part for me, but I have given up junk drawers. If an item does not have a place, that item does not get to live in my house. Honestly, this has been hard, but after one deep clean and weeks of organizing, there are no more drawers.

When everything has a place, it makes it easier for all of my other tasks. I don’t have to worry about a mess building up, and I can spot clean as I go. It keeps everything tidier and organized.

Putting mail on the counter

I bought a mail organizer, and oh boy, has it changed everything. I noticed that I would put mail on my counter, and then it would make me feel more comfortable dumping everything on my counter.

When I stopped putting it on my counter, I felt more of a need to put the item in its rightful place. Yes, this is a weird change that has made a big difference.

Avoiding the vacuum

I hate vacuuming. And I have two fluffy dogs. These two things do not mix well.

I knew this had to change. First, I created an easy vacuum plan. This plan holds me accountable to vacuum 3 times a week. It starts on Sunday when I vacuum the entire house. Then on Wednesday, I vacuum the living room and hallways. And finally, on Friday, I vacuum the bedrooms.

These are short bursts of vacuuming that I can easily fit into my busy schedule. When I make a task hard to have an excuse for, it is easier to force myself to do. Plus, having a clean floor just makes everything appear tidier – especially when you have dogs running amuck.

Taking my shoes off wherever

Okay guys, I am trash at putting my shoes away. I walk in the house, my shoes come off, and that’s where they stay until I wear them again.

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I do not know why I am like this. I was not raised this way, but yet, here I am.

My only reasoning is I am always having wardrobe changes to fit in my many activities in one day, and I would rather rush from place to place without worrying about what I leave back at home.

By taking a few extra seconds to put my shoes on the rack, I never have shoes all over the house. It seems simple, but it encourages tidiness.

Not emptying out my bags from trips

Here is another thing I am embarrassed about (and I seriously hope I am not the only one), but I don’t empty my bags. I pack a bag, I go on a trip, I slowly empty the things I need in the suitcase by wearing them, and by the time I have another trip, half of the shit I need is still in the suitcase.

Go ahead, shame me. I deserve it.

I now empty my bags. And because I travel SO MUCH, this has made so much of a difference. When I get home from a trip, I immediately empty all my items. This keeps random shit from living on the floor, and it just gives me inner peace.

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