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Why you shouldn’t freak out about graduation

Why you shouldn’t freak out about graduation

Why you shouldnt freak out about graduation

Last year around this time, I was having a genuine freak out about graduation.

I did not know when I should be applying for jobs, which jobs to apply to or anything else that pertained to my future.

I had been planning my future since age 6, but I never thought to plan after college. It was almost like the idea never occurred to me. As a planner of all things, this terrified me.

I slowly starting to see my friends get job offers, and I stood there with no prospects, and no idea when to start. Every year, my scholarship holds a picnic and all the graduating seniors thank the foundation and tell their future plans.

People said they were getting married, going to grad school and getting jobs. I had nothing to say. I felt like imploding.

Why you shouldnt freak out about graduation

I knew as a journalism major, grad school really wouldn’t do me any good, so I never really thought too hard about applying.

The last option left was to get a job, and the job I wanted wasn’t as readily available as I had hoped. Every job said it was an entry level job with three years experience… LIKE HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?!

Plus, journalism majors tend to have to move across states with their first job, which was a scary thought to begin with. I had no idea where I was going to end up.

I wasn’t the only one in this state of fear. I bonded with the leftover group of my peers that were in the same position I was in.


Why you shouldnt freak out about graduationI know it’s hard, but you have to quit comparing yourself to your fellow graduates. Everyone is going into a different field with different experience and personalities.

Most of the people who were terrified and had no job prospect when they graduated, had a job by August, some by the next year. Some decided to move back home and gain some experience, and some decided to explore the world.

It’s okay to not have it all figured out. The world isn’t black and white! Your path will never be the same as other people.

See Also

I ended up getting this amazing fellowship in June that I didn’t even think I had a chance for! I moved to Montgomery, AL in August, and then I moved back to Texas in March!

I wouldn’t say quit looking and let the world come to you. I am saying this should be an exciting time! You get to chose what you want to do, and this is the time to look at all your options and enjoy it! Don’t stress out if you first option doesn’t come through, or even your fifth option.

The bottom line is your going to be okay! So just breathe it all in, and enjoy the last of your college years! You are never going to have anything else like it!

Why you shouldnt freak out about graduation




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